Your Bank is Not Your Books

One of the most common misconceptions about running a small business is that your bank balance is ‘good enough’ when…

5 years ago

What Happens If I Do Not File My Annual Report?

An Annual Report is generally sent to the shareholders of the business and documents the activities and financial status of…

5 years ago

Employee PTO

Do I have to give employees vacation, holiday, or sick pay? What does the law say about paying employees for…

5 years ago

Employees vs Independent Contractors

What is the difference between an Employee and an Independent Contractor? There are 20 questions to try and make a…

5 years ago

How Often Should I Pay My Employees?

Each state has its own requirements on how often payroll has to be paid. Most states require that payroll be…

5 years ago

Does My Business Need a Checking Account?

Generally, the answer is no. There is no legal requirement that you have to have a separate checking account for…

5 years ago