LLC vs S-Corp

LLC's are more flexible and require less formal documentation. But S-corps can offer certain tax advantages. In an LLC, owners…

5 years ago

Payroll Tax Returns

A common mistake that many companies make is not filing a $0 return in a state when they no longer…

5 years ago

Balancing Growth and Profitability

Much has been written recently about so-called “unicorns” (private startups with $1 billion valuation or more). According to TechCrunch, there…

5 years ago

Does My Deceased Parent’s Estate Need to File a Tax Return?

If the estate has more than $600 in gross income, not profit, then generally the answer is Yes. Use Form…

5 years ago

What State Should I Form My Business In?

The short answer that applies to most small companies is the state where you are planning to do business. There…

5 years ago

The Benefits of Monthly Financial Reporting

Clients of Quality Back Office often ask me about whether financial reporting should be done annually with their tax return,…

5 years ago